Here are 15 reasons to have sex as often as you can

Are you stressed out and fear your health is declining as a result? Having frequent sex may be a remedy? Below is a list of 15 proven health benefits of sex. The more often you have sex, the more often you can experience these benefits?

  1. Stress reduction: During sex, the body produces large amounts of dopamine and oxytocin. Together, these hormones calm the nerves and promote feelings of pleasure and intimacy.
  2. Burns calories: Sex involves physical activity (sometimes rather intense). As a result, the respiratory and heart rate increases, and you burn more calories than at rest. Having sex 3 days per week for 15 minutes can burn 7500 calories over a year. That is equivalent to jogging 75 miles.
  3. Reduces high blood pressure: Cuddling and sex has been shown to reduce blood pressure.
  4. Strengthens immune system: Sex can boost the immune system and help prevent colds and flus.
  5. Improves your looks: Frequent sex can reduce the appearance of aging. Some research shows it can make you look up to 10 years younger.
  6. Heart-health: At least for men, one study showed that frequent sex may reduce heart disease by as much as 45%.
  7. Pain relief: Frequent sex can raise the levels of endorphins—the body’s natural painkillers. This can result in less intense migraines and less arthritis pain.
  8. Trust building: No activity other than sex makes gives us the opportunity to build trust through vulnerability and intimacy.
  9. Prostate health: Frequent ejaculation has a cleansing-like effect on the prostate gland. This can help prevent enlargement of the prostate and lowers the risk of prostate cancer.
  10. Prevents erectile dysfunction: The penis is a muscle and it needs regular exercise to maintain it’s health. Frequent sex  can improve penile blood flow and stiffness, making more capable of performing.
  11. Healthier sperm: If you are trying to conceive, frequent sex can improve the quality of the sperm cells and  increase the volume of semen.
  12. Improved muscle tone: Vigorous sexual activity works out the muscles of the pelvis, abdomen, legs, and back.
  13. Improved menstrual cycles: Sex can help balance the hormones and reduce irregular periods.
  14. Better sleep: The post-coital (after intercourse) period can be very relaxing. This relaxation has been shown to promote sound sleep.
  15. Increased longevity: The net result of the above benefits can increase your lifespan.

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