Dog owners urged NOT to wash their hands

Scientists are urging dog owners not to wash their hands after petting their animals in order to gain friendly and useful bacteria for our gut. These important species of bacteria are rapidly disappearing from our bodies due to poor diet, widespread use of antibiotics, environmental toxins, more frequent cesarean sections, and less-frequent breastfeeding. We would…

Late-night snacking can damage your memory

According to a new study conducted at the University of California, late-night snacks could have a negative impact on your learning and memory abilities. Eating late in the night was found to lessen the activity of an important brain protein called CREB (cAMP response element binding protein), This protein may be involved in Alzheimer’s disease, and when…

Why does ED stand for Early Death and no longer just Erectile Dysfunction?

According to a recent study published in the Journal of Sex Medicine, erectile dysfunction (ED) is a far more serious condition than previously thought. Men who suffer from ED are more likely to die an early death. Researchers at the University of Mississippi found that those with ED were 70% more likely to die at…

New hope for those with cancer

Research on intravenous vitamin C and its effectiveness against cancer continues to accumulate. Vitamin C induces apoptosis (programmed cell death). A high concentration of vitamin C allows for ascorbate to generate hydrogen peroxide inside tumors and selectively kill cancer cells. Research has shown that high-dose vitamin C is cytotoxic to a wide variety of cancers. It also improves the anti-cancer…

The secret health insurance companies don’t want you to know

Have you ever wondered why health insurance companies so readily cover surgery or expensive drug-based treatment? Wouldn’t common-sense dictate that, if there were less expensive, non-surgical or non-drug approaches to reversing chronic disease, they would jump all over it? Imagine how much money the insurance companies would save if there were permanent solutions to conditions such…

6 surprising early signs and symptoms of dementia

Let’s face it. Whereas gray hair may look “distinguished,” of all the changes associated with aging, one of the most common and devastating is the decline in cognitive function. People fear the loss of independence and control of their life as a result of losing their mental capacity more than they fear the results from losing their physical abilities….